WHY do books dazzle me?

Ruchika Daryani
2 min readFeb 16, 2022
so many books, so less time.

During my end of college period, I was trying to keep my mind sane by following the same boring pattern of eating, studies, social media, endless binge-watching; I wanted to have a new hobby, and reading books was my first decision. But, I had no clue which book to start or which genre to prefer. Then later in my corporate phase, I met amazing people who were bibliophiles, had huge collections, and started giving me some of their best reads. Since then, I have never been apart from reading.

Even though reading offers so many imaginative possibilities, I don’t just use it for escapism. I continue to read fictional works because they often present complex ideas that I like to interact with. Many books I’ve read have shaped and challenged my worldview. It’s important to me to modify my ideas over time as books encourage me to do. I also read simply because it’s calming. Since it’s a habit for me, it seems familiar and comforting.

Additionally, books fuel my appetite for learning. I find books to be the way that I internalize information the best. It’s better for me to imagine things in my head than watch them on TV. Documentaries are fun, but I typically remember them in less detail than books. It is not more of a hobby anymore, It’s just part of me. Recently, I read 5 books in a month. I cannot help but quote this- “You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” Although I finish reading, the book’s quotes, characters, and plotline stay in mind for a few days. I look for writer’s interviews, fan pages, social media and keep thinking about fictional characters for days.

Being a book lover, chances are that I’ve experienced reading to be a rejuvenating activity that renews your energy and elevates your mood. Reading, like exercise, offers a safe, healthy, and productive replacement for negative thinking. It gives the mind a safe place to rest until it regains the strength needed to overcome your obstacles. That doesn’t mean it should be used as an escape world. Chronic escapism is by no means a healthy habit, but neither is dwelling on stressful life circumstances one hundred percent of the time. Therefore, In short doses, allowing the mind to focus on things other than quandary challenges can be highly beneficial and even necessary.

In a blog post, I have read that many refer to reading as “private pleasure-delivery” and I agree with it to some extent. I hope this habit of me stays in me for as long as possible.



Ruchika Daryani

After earning my Engineering degree in CS , I have entered in the world of content writing to explore my passion for writing along with primary skills of coding