The power of KARMA…!

Ruchika Daryani
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you”

A famous tweet by NGT, makes me ponder on our deeds and the role karma plays in our life.

Everything in our life, past, present, and future, is connected. Who we are today is the result of our previous actions And who we will be tomorrow will be the result of our actions today. Karma comes after everyone eventually. What goes around comes around. No one can get away with their deeds. It may be today, tomorrow, or years from now, but it happens; usually when you least expect it, usually in a form that’s pretty different from the original. But, the universe will come and get its revenge sooner or later, but it will.

Situations seem to happen to people, but in reality, they unfold from deeper karmic causes. It is impossible to build one’s happiness over others’ unhappiness. The universe unfolds to itself, bringing to bear any cause that needs to be included. Don’t take this process personally. The working out of cause and effect is eternal. We are part of this rising and falling that never ends, and only by riding the wave can we ensure that the waves don’t drown us. The process is not known and no one can even understand at which time karma will hit back in the face. The ego takes everything personally, leaving no room for higher guidance or purpose. If we can realize that a cosmic plan is unfolding and appreciate the incredibly woven tapestry for what it is, a design of an unparalleled marvelous universe.

After living a little life, most of us get into believing karma. Some thru teachings or others get it thru experiences. I find it very logical. People say don’t do something bad or wrong because it will come back around and get you in the end. I find it appealing because everyone wants to believe that when someone hurts others in some way, they will have something bad happen to them later on and so they stop doing bad things on their own. Until and unless we learn from our experiences to do things differently, everything repeats in our life. Change gives us a new path to create a new future and to be a better version of ourselves.

Each one of us is born with a specific gift, mission, and purpose that only one can bring into the world with one’s uniqueness. To live peacefully, embrace the present moment. It happens only when you make peace with negative thoughts or behaviors from your past.



Ruchika Daryani

After earning my Engineering degree in CS , I have entered in the world of content writing to explore my passion for writing along with primary skills of coding